Friday, October 9, 2009


Lesson 2


"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end."

What is failure? What do we mean by failure? Well, to me failure is when you stop trying, it's when you know that you're not gonna make it even though you could. Kadang2 gw juga suka ngerasa kyk gini, sebelum ngerjain sesuatu gw udah bilang 'ah yang gini mah gw nggak mungkin bisa' malah justru itu yang dinamakan 'failure'. I agree with this quote above, that failure is not something that should stop you from doing your best. Yes, we may have setbacks when it comes to achieving something, but those setbacks shouldn't be a dead end. Harusnya perasaan gagal itu jadi motivasi kita untuk bekerja/berbuat/belajar lebih baik dan pasti misalnya kita mencapai suatu tujuan, kita akan berkata bahwa 'it was worth the failures'. Imagine if a person never fails, his/her life would be sooo boring.


Lesson 1


"Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has."

Envying someone is one of the many problems I have. Envy yang dimaksud adalah rasa iri yang seringkali dateng ke gw. The problem is, I always compare myself to others, thinking that I always have to be the best and when I 'win' there's always this voice in my head that keep saying 'haha screw you, I win!' and when I lose I keep getting this feeling of jealousy. Gw pengen banget bisa 'rela' biarin orang lebih baik dari gw karena nggak selamanya kita selalu diatas bukan? Biasanya ada 2 suara di kepala gw misalnya gini nih bunyinya:

Suara 1: 'nilai dia lebih bagus dari loe, loe pasti iri deh'
Suara 2: 'udah relain aja, kenapa sih loe harus nge-compare diri loe dengan orang lain?'

So being envious to someone else is not a good thing people, sometimes it will make you think bad things about that person, sometimes you will feel regret, it will fill your thoughts and minds, and it will consume youu -_-V



Hello everyone, the name's Gamma and I was inspired by my friend to write a blog. First, I thought 'Why would someone spent so much time writing about themselves?' I always thought that writing a blog was a waste of time, but know I kinda know why people write blogs - it's one way to express themselves by writing stories and tossing out opinions without being judged. From now on, I will basically write what kind of problems I face in life. So this is the first entry, it's really only something to start off.